Crowcon Detective Wireless is a module that can replaces interconnecting cables between Detective+ units. It will transmit gas alert signals and other alarms wirelessly using a 433MHz signal up to 100 metres in distance. Single Use for at least one year, IP65, IP67.
Operation is by the proven RICOCHET mesh network. When establishing a mesh network, the Detective Wireless module automatically chooses the best line to give strongest interconnections. Should wireless connection between two devices deteriorate, the network will ‘self-heal’ and automatically re-route communications via alternate RICOCHET enabled devices, creating a mesh type network that provides a more resistant and efficient wireless network.
When in alarm, the signal will be beamed to additional Detective units alerting the worker to gas present in the area. If the signal is weakened due to obstruction for example dense metal the module can be used as a repeater to amplify the signal between detectors. In a confined space the use of up to 20 meters of cable can position the unit in a location that will strengthen signal.
Easy to use
- Infra-red sensors available -resistant to interference from the environment poisoning and allowing accurate measurement of flammable and CO2 gas. allows sampling of potentially high – flammable gas levels and CO2
- Built-in pump option provides quick response and sensor protection
- Display identifies gas hazardous
- Datalogging
- Up to 60 hour battery operation
- Wide choice of toxic gas sensors available
Very loud alarms
- Up to 25 Detectives can be linked together maximum 100 metres apart- all linked units alarm from hazard detected by one unit
- Units actually in alarm have faster LED flash so hazard is pinpointed
- Audible and visible confidence blip, vivid red LED clusters for visual alarm
- Time weighted average alarms for 8 hours and 15 minutes averages
- Multiple beacons gives 360 degree visibility
Robust, tripod construction
- Detectors are fully protected, even if device is overturned
- Alleviated sensors prevent water ingress
- Folding or fixed leg options for easy transportation or movement around area
Ordering Information
- C01360-1 Detective NET 433MHz (with 0.7M of cable)
For sensor options and further detail on the Crowcon Detective Wireless please contact Norrscope.